Mumin Academy
Mumin Academy
The Mumin Academy is a three-part program empowering 18 - 35-year-old African American men to achieve a balanced life.
Personal Growth
Healing the past
Personal growth is the core of the Mumin Academy. We give our members the opportunity to overcome their past challenges by offering mentorship and counseling, allowing them to flourish.
Knowledge is power
Develop a strong sense of historical and cultural awareness by learning about history and our connection with it. or Mumin Academy participants will develop a strong sense of historical and cultural awareness by learning about history and our connection with it.
Career Development
Building a career
Participants will gain the tools to chart a career path, how to manage money, and gain valuable skills.
Be an entrepreneur
In today's business climate, most businesses fail within the first few years. Our startup consulting helps you develop strategies and plans for getting your startup off the ground.
Connect With Nature
Participants will take part in our routine sports and camping trips to build strong ties with fellow members and nature.
Physical health
Participants will develop a sustainable and healthy lifestyle by learning about nutrition and the dangers of substance abuse.