Build Your Team

Understanding our surroundings
Reaching our potential
We believe that African American males will not reach their true potential within existing institutions without addressing their place within them.
Race pathology
Diversity and anti-oppression work in our schools and workplaces is critical. We believe that our nation suffers from race pathology. Systemic and institutional race oppression kills and harms black and brown males and must be overcome.
Who is impacted
Challenging the mindset
Race pathology is in the air we breathe and is upheld by the pathological mindset. Although this detrimental pathology disproportionately impacts black and brown people, we all suffer, to a greater and lesser extent. Ultimately, this violent mindset is destructive to other people and all ecosystems on the planet.
Everyone is impacted
With a profoundly devastating impact on targeted groups, systemic racism, sexism, classism, nativism, heterosexism, able-bodyism, age-ism, religious oppression, and imperialism are deeply rooted in our national culture.
Our System
Healing is a slow but reinvigorating process. Our experience in doing this work is that it pulls people into authenticity around their blind spots and/or internalized oppression, deepens relationships with each other, and brings people to begin to act in solidarity with one another. We help all involved parties to see these blind spots with love and care.
Waheed LLC. is grounded in experiential learning and gets participants out of their heads, where it is easy to distance ourselves from our own (internal) work on these issues. Participants speak from experience rather than from abstraction, which we have found to be profoundly transformative across all groups.

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